Sunday, 20 December 2009

RSGA Apocalypse Game

Over the last few months I have been organising an Apocalypse game for the club. Here's a couple of photos that I took of the event. The forces were roughly divided into the forces of Goodish and the forces of Evilish.

The table before the forces arrived.

Forces of Goodish deployment (Including a scratch built Manta!).

Wonna's Imperial Guard deployed in force (How many lascannons?).

The forces of Evilish's weapon of mass destruction (Warlord Titan goodness).

The armies line up against each other.

The best use of "A word in your Ear" that I have ever seen (Apparently James looked threatening).

End of turn 1.

James finds a new friend.

Carnage is wrought in amongst the ruins.

An overall view of the battlefield.

It looked amusing to me at the time.

The Warlord's view of the fighting in front of it.

The Warlord from a Chaos Marine's viewpoint.

Rob removing his Manta after the Warlord decides that it didn't like it.

Following this event, the game went downhill for the forces of Goodish ending in a solid victory for the forces of Evilish.


Wednesday, 16 December 2009

In the works

Now that things have quietened down a little, I've started sorting out things to do to finish off existing projects and letting myself enjoy a few small projects also. On my plate at the moment, I have a unit of Chaos Warriors to put together and paint for my fantasy army. I've also started on a bloodbowl team.

This is also the first time ever that I've tried using a white undercoat. I'll have to use washes a fair bit which is also something fairly new to recreate the blacklining effects that I've started to use when painting models from a black undercoat. It's certainly proving to be a good learning experience and if it takes me longer, it doesn't matter so much with only 16 figures in total to paint.


Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Mackay Madgrot 2009

After a bit of umming and ahhing I decided to go up to Mackay with some of the guys from the club to Madgrot. This is a 2000 point tournament and I really wasn't expecting much since I only added in a Falcon to my existing list and a few extra guys here and there. Below is a picture of what I took.

The tables were fairly bare and my first game was against IG on a table with a grand total of five pieces of terrain. I kept my opponent busy by tank shocking with my holo falcon up and down his lines each turn and managed to pull out a solid victory holding one objective and contesting the other two whilst having destroyed a sizable chunk of his force.

Game two saw me against another much tougher IG player. I opted for first turn but failed to do much with my shooting. His first turn saw both of my wave serpents and my falcon all burning on the ground. He spent the rest of the game staying away from me and pounding my units from afar for a crushing loss.

My third game saw me facing off against a Space Marine army (yay not guard!). We started the game off fairly cautiously with dawn of war deployment but i soon started racking up the kills. Unfortunately I over extended and charged my wraithlord, wraithguard and banshees into a unit of assault termies. I stupidly thought then that doom needed line of sight when it didn't. The end result of that combat was my banshees ran and he whittle down my wraithguard and killed my wraithlord over the rest of the game to finish with a draw.

I went off feeling like I wasn't going to place anywhere and we went out for tea.

Day two started off with me facing a tyranid army in spearhead deployment. I systematically destroyed his hive creatures and then focused on the now leaderless gaunts. The game finished on turn five giving me a crushing victory. Had it gone a turn longer probably would have earned me a massacre.

Game five had me paired against Frosty who had come up with me in the car. Unfortunately for him I got first turn and began the task of pinning his troops and preventing his hammerheads from firing. My wraithlord advanced through the centre taking fire from the Tau army allowing my vehicles to move up relatively peacefully. In the end I finished with another crushing victory.

My results for the weekend - third overall!


Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Orktoberfest 2009

Leading up to Orktoberfest, I was hoping to field my sisters again, but due to the time constraints caused by running Cowcon, I simply didn't have time. Instead I decided to take my newly acquired Iyanden Eldar army along. I'd been using them a bit and starting to have some successes with them whilst also being a lot of fun to play.

Over the course of the weekend, I did alright and came around the middle which is where I expected to given my list and still not having played with it a lot. I did however have two awesome games. The first of which was against a horde style Tyranid army. I beat him but I think we both had a lot of fun. His list whilst not the most effective largely consisted of four unit of termagaunts with without number. My second great game was against Aaron Filmer who I played against in the previous year. We both had a lot of fun even though it was him demolishing my army this time instead of the other way around.


Monday, 7 December 2009

Warriors of Chaos

Well it's been quite a few busy months since my last update. I've barely had time to scratch myself. However I've finished my Christmas shopping, wrapped the presents and put them under the tree. Tonight I decided to finally catch up on all those photos that I'd been meaning to take.

They were taken on my crappy camera so they're not the best quality but I played around with the settings a bit to try and make them a little better. First cab off the rank is my Slaanesh chaos from the To4G.
Chaos Hounds

Chaos Knights

Warriors of Chaos

Chaos Sorcerer

Greater Deamon of Slaanesh (counted as Aspiring Hero riding a steed of Slaanesh)

Warriors of Chaos

Chaos Marauders


The entire 1500 point army.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Plastic Crack

Well last Friday, a large heavy box turned up for me at work. Upon opening I found it to be filled with goodies and packed with love and care by Adam from Alpha Hobbies in Brisbane. Enough ramblings, here's some of the stuff you can win at this year's COWCON:


Sunday, 20 September 2009

To4G Completion

Well I had intended to take photos of my progress along the way but always seemed to be a little to busy painting all of that purple. Today though the competition came to a close thankfully. I now have 1500 points of Slaanesh themed Warriors of Chaos and have played my first games with an entire army actually painted by me, which is a first in my 14 years or wargaming! I took some photos on my dodgy camera of the armies but will take some close ups of some of my models with the gf's better camera and some proper lighting. Enough of me blabbing, pics:

Wonna's Bretonnians line up Damo's Lizardmen

Damo feeling confident

Wonna concerned about "Exploding Magical Dinosaurs"

Damo's Terradons sweeping around a flank

Damo's Lizardmen

My Slaanesh Warriors of Chaos

Wonna's crusader themed Bretonnians

A game of Space Crusade going on at the club at the same time

Some of the players getting in some practice games for COWCON

James playing hide and seek with his Necrons


Sunday, 30 August 2009

COWCON 2009 Player Pack

I have finished testing and the Player Pack is now available.

Player Pack

You can find further information on the RSGA forums


Wednesday, 12 August 2009

COWCON 2009 Beta Player Pack

The Beta Player Pack is finally available. It took me a while to define some of the soft scores in a manageable manner that wouldn't dissappoint too many people.

Beta Player Pack

I got my first 500 points of Chaos Mortals finished and am underway on the next installment. I'll take some photos when I can find the time and setup my camera decently.

I haven't quite received all of the Iyanden Eldar yet but rest assured, when I do there will be pics of those also.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

It's been a while since I updated this, but you should see some regular posting coming soon.

First bit of news is that COWCON 2009 is booked in for the 17-18th of October. The player pack is mostly complete and should be out soon for some beta testing. The tournament will once again be 1750 points Warhammer 40,000 and run out of the YWCA Hall.

Secondly my Sisters of Battle have had a bit more work done to them and now meet the minimum three colours. Unfortunately I won't be able to do much with them for the next few months though as a short project has come up. Which leads me to the third point:

I've just joined in a Tale of Four Gamers for Warhammer Fantasy. Player will be required to paint 500 points each month for three months and play a couple of games. I've dusted off my Warriors of Chaos for this so will be posting some updates and pics soonish. So far I've only done undercoating but I'm hoping to get a unit of Chaos Knights finished by next weekend.

Recently I purchased a friend's Iyanden Eldar army, and should be taking delivery of it by the end of the month. This will go nicely with my Iyanden pirate army that I'm slowly accumulating models for. As a result of this, I'm now looking to sell my Tau army, all 3500 points of it. If anyone is interested, please let me know.

Lastly, I've really started to lose faith in GW. The slowness at which codices/army books are released and their lack of errata has led me to look for another game system. I still intend to play GW games, but will be spending very little on new stuff apart from finishing off my current armies. As a result of this, I picked up a copy of the Flames of War 2.0 Rulebook off Ebay which should I get my grubby hands on in the coming week. At this point I won't yet be collecting any FoW but will have a look through the rules and chat with a couple of other club member to decide on an army and time period to collect.

So expect to hear more from me soon.