My first two lots of Flames of War models have arrived now so it's assembling time, although I'm still waiting on my copy of Eastern Front.
So far I have:
1x Armoured Panzergrenadier Platoon*
1x Armoured Panzergrenadier HQ*
3x Panzer III N (or L)
2x Sd Kfz 231 (8-rads)
* These are actually late war units even though I'm planning to play mid war. they were cheaper to buy and the only real difference is they're 251/1d's instead of 251/1c's.
Ah HA!
Embrace the 15mm lovin'!
Let go of the evil that is 28mm....
Just wanting something different now and then from the 28mm.
Got both the 8-rads, the majority of a Panzer III and started working out the Sd Kfz 251/1D's.
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